University’s WW1 Encyclopedia For 2014, Berlin

The Freie Universitt in Berlin is to create an international online encyclopedia to launch that will launch in 2014.

Professor Oliver Janz, a historian at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute and Professor Nicolas Apostolopolous, Head of the Centre for Digital Systems, have announced that they are to collaborate on an international encyclopedia that will give a comprehensive resource for students of WW1. The resouce will offer more than the ‘traditional’ focus on the Western Front.

The academics say that their database will focus on the global nature of the war rather than just the European aspect. Professor Janz notes, “It was a global war, with far-reaching consequences for other areas as well, including Eastern Europe and even other continents, such as Africa and Asia. We aim to raise awareness of those facts to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the war.”

To read the full interview with the Professors on the Freie University’s website, click here.

Images courtesy of the University of WW1’s Encyclopedia for 2014 website.