Inspire Children To Learn About Centenary

New research by YouGov on behalf of thinktank British Future has suggested that nearly two thirds of 16-24 year-olds cannot name the year that WW1 ended. Additionally, less than half the public are aware of the involvement of the Commonwealth soldiers in the British First World War Forces.

The poll found that while 85% of the public felt that while schoolchildren may not know enough about British History, the centenary of the start of World War One is an ideal time to improve their knowledge.

In an article published on the British Future website, the director of the thinktank Sunder Katwala comments: “The centenary is a great opportunity for museums and schools to trace back our nations history using tales of our great grandfathers or other relatives. Learning about what our nation was like in those years helps us understand more about how Britain has evolved into the nation is it today. Whats the point of having a shared history, if we dont know about it?”

To read the full article on the British Future website, click here. View the results of the YouGov poll here. Read the Huffington Post coverage of the topic here.

Images courtesy of British Future website and Huff Post website.