House of Lords Debate ‘Centenary Question’

The UK War Heritage Group brings the question of Centenary Commemorations to the fore by debating the issue in the House of Lords.

In the debate on 22nd March 2011, Lord Faulkner of Worcester asked what plans were in the making for the Centenary Commemorations 2014-2018.

Posing the concern of the Group that Britain’s plans were not as advanced as those in other European nations, Lord Faulkner asked the Ministry of Defence’s Under-Secratary of State, Lord Astor, to clarify the Government’s position on Centenary commemorations. The debate continues with other Lords showing their concern at Britain being ‘caught on the back foot’ compared to the concrete preparations being made by other nations.

To read the full Lords Hansard including the debate on the Centenary, click here.

To watch our video interview with the War Heritage Group, click here.

Images courtesy House of Lords website.