Choose between these five designs, all dating from 1917 (Image © National World War I Museum & Memorial)

US WWI Museum seeks your vote on historic Great War posters

Ahead of a centennial exhibition featuring war posters, the National World War I Museum in Kansas City is holding an online ballot to find the most popular choice with the public.

The winning design will be highlighted as part of a year-long exhibition opening in February 2017.

‘Posters as Munitions, 1917’ will explore the use of the poster as a propaganda weapon by all powers during the First World War.

With hundreds of examples in its own collections, the National World War I Museum says Senior Curator Doran Cart faced the ‘unenviable task’ of deciding which to select.

‘This eventually yielded a question applicable to anyone in the world: which poster would you choose?’

Five designs are up for your vote, all dating from 1917:

*French Bastille Day commemoration of the French Revolution.

*Great Britain Blue Cross Fund for wounded horses.

*French exposition of propaganda materials about German war crimes.

*US Navy recruiting campaign.

*French ‘One last effort and we will get them’ showing the Allies climbing to pull down the German eagle.

The ballot closes on 31 January 2017. For more about the exhibition, see Posters as Munitions,1917 on the National World War I Museum and Memorial website.

Information & images: National World War I Museum and Memorial, Kansas City, Missouri