The Wolfsonian Museum, Miami, exhibits photography documenting legacy of the First World War

An exhibition of photographs in Miami by the Italian artist, Luca Artioli, shows the remains of First World War trenches on the Alpine Front against Austria-Hungary.

The pictures were taken in the Stelvio Pass in June 2014, revealing the scars of war almost a century after the fighting.

They’re being displayed at the Wolfsonian Museum, Miami, until April 5th 2015.

Italy entered the First World War on the side of the Triple Entente (Britain, France, and Russia) in May 1915. Many troops fought along the Alpine border with Austria-Hungary; the snow and ice led to this front being dubbed the ‘White War’.

The installation at the Wolfsonian coincides with the museum’s current exhibition, Myth and Machine: The First World War in Visual Culture, on view until April 2015.

Visit the Wolfsonian’s website or find out about the exhibition and view a selection of the photographs.

You can also find out more about the artist.

Source: FIU News