One of the quilts that’s being exhibited in the Welsh capital (Photo: Monmouthshire Decorative and Fine Arts Society – Affiliated to the Arts Society)

Schools’ WW1 Centenary quilt display in Cardiff​

Two quilts designed and handmade by 130 Monmouthshire schoolchildren for the 1914-18 Centenary have gone on display at the Welsh Assembly’s Pierhead Futures Gallery in Cardiff.

Themes covered by the 140 quilt squares include the war poets; the role of animals – from carrier pigeons to glow worms in jars used as lights on the battlefield; life in the trenches, going ‘over the top’; and nurses in the Great War.

The pupils, aged 11-14, drew on the experiences of the 3rd Monmouthshire Regiment for the project, and the heavy losses it suffered at Ypres in 1915.

Artist-led workshops were held at Monmouthshire schools. For many of the children, it was their first experience of sewing.

“They see it as their legacy to the next generation,” says the project sponsor, Monmouthshire Decorative and Fine Arts Society (Affiliated to The Arts Society).

The quilts are on display at the Welsh Assembly Pierhead Futures Gallery, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF99 1NA until 5 February 2018. The restored Victorian building is a noted landmark and a forum for events highlighting past, present and future issues of importance to Wales. The quilt exhibition is sponsored by Nick Ramsay, Member for Monmouth in the National Assembly for Wales.

Information & images: Monmouthshire Decorative and Fine Arts Society (Affiliated to The Arts Society) Contact:

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