Northumberland Fusiliers Museum receives £300,000 grant from Heritage Lottery Fund for Centenary

Heritage Lottery Fund has granted the Fusiliers Museum of Northumberland, England, £300,000 to help it mark the Centenary of the First World War.

The Northumberland Fusiliers raised 52 battalions during the First World War.

The museum will be recruit an Activities Officer to “bring the museum to life with activities for young visitors and to develop outreach activities for a range of other groups”.

The first project the Activities Officer will undertake is to develop a special exhibition to mark the Centenary of the First World War.

“The exhibition will look at the links between soldiers on service and their families at home. There will also be events and activities for young people and families, and opportunities to handle objects from the museum’s collections”.
Additionally, two upper floors of the museum will be refurbished and trace themes themes across 340 years of the regiment’s history and “also tell the stories of people and personalities from the regiment, their service and in some cases their later lives”.

Ivor Crowther, Head of the Heritage Lottery Fund North East, said: “In the run-up to the centenary of the First World War, we are remembering the sacrifices made by men and women across the country more than ever”.

“The Call to Action project will provide a great opportunity for everyone to explore the stories of local people involved in the conflict and learn about what life was like during the war. We at the Heritage Lottery Fund are proud to be supporting this important project”.

John Armstrong, the Chair of the Museum Trustees, said: “The museum is so grateful for the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund. HLF support means that the museum can mark the service of the soldiers of the Northumberland Fusiliers in the First World War with a special exhibition and activities, something so important for the museum to do”.

Date of press release publication: 27/06/2013

Images courtesy of the Heritage Lottery Fund

Source: Heritage Lottery Fund website

Posted by: Daniel Barry, Centenary News