How interested are New Zealanders in the First World War?

Date of publication: 09/04/2013

New Zealand’s official Centenary programme, New Zealand WW100, has conducted a “benchmark survey” to gauge the interest of New Zealanders in the First World War and its Centenary.

The wide ranging survey, focused on five main areas of enquiry:

1. Interest in history and engagement in learning about history

2. Relevance of the First World War to New Zealand

3. Personal engagement with the First World War

4. Top of mind associations

5. First World War commemorations

The survey found that: “Older people are more interested in the First World War and aware of the centenary, but there is a high degree of interest among young people”.

To read the full article reporting on the survey results, visit the New Zealand WW100 website here.

To read the survey in full, click here.

Images courtesy of the New Zealand WW100 website.

Posted by: Daniel Barry, Centenary News