A 1914 Prussian Flag, which is on display at the exhibition

Exhibition: ‘Over By Christmas: August-December 1914’ at the National World War I Museum, USA

A new exhibition at the National World War One Museum in Kansas City examines how the romantic notions of war clashed with the harsh realities of conflict at the start of the First World War.

The exhibition opened on the 3rd May 2014 and will run until the 29th March 2015.

Through the exploration of specific topics and case studies, including ‘Germany Mobilizes’, ‘Germany’s Rush to War’, ‘Invasion: Belgium and France’ and ‘War in the East’, the National World War One Museum considers the first five months of the war.

Senior Curator, Doran Cart, highlighted that most of the items on display “have never been previously exhibited in a museum, so people will have the opportunity to see new objects, while learning about pivotal events during the early stages of the Great War”.

Lithograph print by French artist Georges Scott in August 1914 of the French movement into Alsace and the symbolic and romantic reunion of the French soldier and the Alsatian girl. Note the knocked-down German border sign.

Objects include a 1914 Prussian flag, a lithograph print by French artist George Scott, German cigar box for Christmas 1914, The Road to Berlin game and the uniform of a French colonianl zouave infantryman.

National World War One Museum President & CEO Matthew Naylor said that the exhibition “continues our efforts to learn lessons and derive meaning from the Great War by bringing to life incredible stories and events from those critical first few months of the war”.

Source: Notional World War One Museum press release

Images courtesy of the National World War One Museum

Posted by: Daniel Barry, Centenary News