(Photo © Pascal Brunet)

‘Earth and Steel’ – Display of Great War archaeology coming up in Arras

The French city of Arras is to host an exhibition dedicated to the archaeology of the First World War.

Arras was the scene of a major Allied offensive in April 1917; Vimy Ridge, captured by Canadian troops, is nearby.

‘Earth and Steel,’ opening on the 98th anniversary of the battle, will reveal the discoveries made by archaeologists over the past 20 years.

Soldiers’ graves, as well as munitions and memorabilia, have been unearthed during the construction of new motorways and TGV high speed rail lines in Northern France.

In the run-up to the Battle of Arras in 1917, British and New Zealand forces dug an extensive network of tunnels beneath Arras, making use of excavations dating back to the Middle Ages.

Part of the system was named Wellington Quarry, after the capital of New Zealand. It’s now a museum (La Carrière Wellington).

‘Earth and steel, archaeology of the Great War’ will run from April 9th-August 23rd 2015 at Arras Casino, a building originally intended as a casino, but later used as a cinema, and now reopening after major restoration. More information can be found here.

Information & images supplied by Arras Tourist Office

Photos © Pascal Brunet

Posted by: Peter Alhadeff, Centenary News