The year 1919 is often inscribed on British memorials as the end of the Great War, marking the Paris peace conference and Versailles Treaty signed with Germany on 28 June 1919, five years to the day after Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo (Photo: Centenary News)

Call for Papers -The First World War: Past, Present, Future

The First World War Network of early career and postgraduate researchers is seeking papers for a conference in June 2019 embracing multiple aspects of WW1 study.

The event in Edinburgh aims to bring together the latest in academic scholarship, involving those with a ‘shared desire to sustain interest in furthering knowledge and understanding’ of the Great War.

Contributions are encouraged from academics, students, institutions, organisations, independent researchers, and community groups. The deadline for submissions is 14 December 2018. For full details, see First World War Network.

The conference will be held on 27-28 June 2019, the centenary of the Versailles Treaty formally ending the war between Germany and the Allied powers.

The venue, Edinburgh Napier University’s Craiglockhart Campus, has historic First World War links. Used as a military hospital for treating shell-shock, it was there that the war poets, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, met for the first time in 1917. A permanent exhibition commemorates them.

Also in Centenary News:

France & Germany to host Armistice Centenary ‘Youth for Peace’ forum.

Source: First World War Network

Images: Centenary News

Posted by: CN Editorial Team