1914 Battle of the Marne remembered in Reims

France marks the centenary of the Battle of the Marne with commemorations in the city of Reims on September 12th 2014.

Known as the ‘Miracle on the Marne,’ the attack by French and British forces halted the German advance towards Paris 100 years ago.

In one of the most famous episodes of the First World War, 600 Paris taxicabs were requisitioned to move thousands of French reservists to the front line.

Britain and Germany will participate in the centenary commemorations, together with Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia whose soldiers fought in the French colonial army.

Russia will also be represented, in memory of the Eastern Front offensives launched in August 1914 at the request of the French commander-in-chief, General Joffre.

Source: Mission Centenaire 14-18; Wikipedia

Posted by: Peter Alhadeff, Centenary News