‘Twin Portraits’ of First World War soldier reunited at Jerwood Gallery

Jerwood Gallery in Hastings, England, has been lent a second portrait of the First World War soldier Norman Kohnstamm, reuniting the portraits after almost one hundred years.

The gallery was already in possession of ‘Portrait of Norman Kohnstamm’ (top left), which was purchased in 2004. By chance, a family member saw it on display and discussions about the paintings with the gallery began. As a result, the Kohnstamm family agreed to loan the second portrait (top right) to Jerwood Gallery. Both were painted by Alfred Wolmark (1877-1961).

Norman served in Gallipoli, Egypt and France, receiving several decorations, before being killed in action on the 23rd March 1918.

The Kohnstamm family have suggested that the portrait in the gallery’s possession may actually be of Norman’s younger brother, Oscar Jacob (known as Jack), who also served on the Western Front.

The Konstamm’s were a prominent German Jewish family, who settled in London, with both sons serving in the British Army.

The display at Jerwood Gallery will feature the two portraits alongside other Wolmark works from the Kohnstamm family’s collection, as well as letters and photographs in their possession.

Source: Jerwood Gallery press release

Images courtesy of Jerwood Gallery

Posted by: Daniel Barry, Centenary News