‘Army Museum curator, Major (Ret) Ken Hynes, provides explanation of a featured print as His Honour Brigadier-General (Ret), The Honourable J.J. Grant and Her Honour Mrs. Joan Grant tour The Road to Vimy and Beyond exhibit at the Army Museum at the Halifax Citadel on May 9’, photo: Lt(N) Blake Patterson

Army Museum at Halifax Citadel opens First World War exhibition

The Army Museum at Halifax Citadel in Canada has opened an exhibition exploring the First World War to mark the Centenary of the conflict.

The Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, John James Grant, said that the museum “plays an important role in the telling of the story of Canada’s service to Crown and Country in war and in peace”.

The new exhibition, The Road to Vimy and Beyond, commemorates the 100th anniversary of the First World War, with a particular focus on the experience of soldiers from Nova Scotia.

It will run from May 2014 to November 2018, changing each year to reflect the events which took place during the war.

The centrepiece of the exhibition is a replica of the Vimy Memorial in France. The museum has described it as “the most complete” replica of the memorial in terms of size and detail. Accompanying interpretation panels provide information about the significance of the memorial and the battle that was fought there in 1917.

The Lieutenant Governor said that as Canada begins to commemorate the Centenary of the beginning of the conflict, “it is important for all citizens, young and old, to reflect upon the supreme service and sacrifice given by those who came before us”.

Brigadier-General Nicolas Eldaoud, Commander, 5th Canadian Division, the Army in Atlantic Canada, serves as the chairperson of the Army Museum’s Board of Governors. He said that when viewing the exhibition, “you really need to see this exhibit as more than the metal, the wood and the paper… This is the history of the First World War, from the perspective of Nova Scotia.”

Brigadier-General Eldaoud, also highlighted the significance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which saw all four divisions of the Canadian Corps – some 20,000 men – fight together for the first time. It was an important strategic victory over the Germans and is often viewed as a “coming of age” battle for Canada as a nation.

One of the statues at the Vimy Memorial recreated for the museum’s replica, Photo: MCpl McCord

Thanking the volunteers who have helped create the exhibition, the Brigadier-General stated that: “The volunteers created this exhibit not only to commemorate the First World War, but to honour all those who served”.

The Army Museum has also upgraded its Second World War displays to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the conflict and hopes that it will be able to provide engaging and interesting information about Canada’s conflicts to those who visit the museum.

Source: Canadian Army Press Release

Posted by: Daniel Barry, Centenary News