(Image: Auckland War Memorial Museum website)

Auckland War Memorial Museum creates community lead online cenotaph

He Toa Taumata Rau Online Cenotaph, created by the Auckland War Memorial Museum and funded by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage, is a digital gathering place for the personal and official memory of those who served New Zealand in the First World War.

The website will be accompanied by a community outreach programme, thanks to funding from the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board, which will tour the former Auckland province over the next four years.

The memorial relies on the input of communities across New Zealand to gather stories, photographs, and memoriabilia of the servicemen and women that served during this period.

The website will be accompanied by a roadshow unit that will tour the former Auckland province over the next four years.

From the Auckland War Memorial Museum press release:

“The programme encourages communities to explore and add to the Online Cenotaph database. Communities will have the ability to digitise documents, letters, medals, photographs, and war memorabilia relating to New Zealanders and loved ones who have served, which are then uploaded to the database. Individual kiosk units are also available for loan to libraries, community groups and centres, museums and RSAs.

He Pou Aroha Community Cenotaph. (Image: Auckland War Memorial Museum)

“New Zealand’s record in the First World War is second to none; He Pou Aroha Community Cenotaph offers a chance for communities to connect with and contribute to a lasting legacy for future generations”, says Auckland War Memorial Museum Director Roy Clare. “We want to give all people now and in future the ability to confidently say; “We will remember them”.

“Auckland War Memorial Museum is working alongside Auckland Council to commemorate the centenary of WWI, sharing the banner ‘He toa taumata rau: Courage has many resting places’.”

For further information on the He Toa Taumata Rau Cenotaph project and roadshow exhibitions, visit the Auckland War Memorial Museum website.

Image credit: Auckland War Memorial website

Poste by: Eadaoin Hegarty, Centenary News